Dentistry is Essential Healthcare
As we are still navigating the COVID-19 Pandemic, we wanted to reach out and let you know that we care about you and we hope you are doing well. We are still working to reschedule all of our patients who have not been seen in the past 6 months for a preventative dental cleaning. If you feel comfortable and would like to receive a dental cleaning this year, we urge you to call or text the office. We have some availability throughout October and November, but as we get closer to the end of the year we are fairly booked up. Take advantage of the time now!
Here are some of the precautions we are taking and we want you to schedule when you feel safe.
- Proper PPE
- Sanitizing
- Social Distancing in waiting/common areas
- HEPA Filter Air Purifiers
- Employee and patient screening upon arrival
- Pre-screening patients
- Temperature Checks
- All patients and employees must wear masks at all times, when not receiving dental care.
- You are welcome to wait in your car and we can call/text when we are ready.
To follow up on the recent statement by the World Health Organization (WHO) …
“routine non-essential oral health care – which usually includes oral health check-ups, dental cleanings and preventive care – be delayed until there has been sufficient reduction in COVID-19 transmission rates.” The Center of Disease Control (CDC) made recent updates to the dental guidelines stating, offices should “consider if elective procedures, surgeries, and non-urgent outpatient visits should be postponed in certain situations.”
If PPE supplies are low, then offices should determine which patients would be at the highest risk if care was delayed, the CDC said.
The American Dental Association also issued a statement in response, they “respectfully, but strongly disagree” with the WHO’s statement. The president of the ADA, Chad P. Gehani, D.D.S., stressed routine dental care should continue if proper precautions are taken.
“Millions of patients have safely visited their dentists in the past few months for the full range of dental services. With appropriate PPE, dental care should continue to be delivered during global pandemics or other disaster situations,” Gehani said in a statement.

We simply stress that oral health is an integral part of your overall health. When you feel comfortable, we look forward to seeing you!
Dean Family Dental
More than a Smile.